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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ tháng 4 7, 2016

Visitors (statistics)

Command trong stata

Logistic mode logistic bia var1 var2 lroc  estat gof lstat ----------------------------------------------------------------- describe list codebook bwt summarize lwt, detail summarize bwt, detail Reshape: Update: (Sept 27th, 2017) - Adjusted Mean Please find the Stata command for calculating adjusted mean and proportions: xi: regress neap i.mpr1 age sex adjust age sex, by(mpr1) se This regress command will give adjusted mean (neap is a continuous variable) xi: logistic currdrk i.mpr1 age sex adjust age sex, by(mpr1) pr ci This logistic command will give adjusted proportions (currdrk is dichotomous variable)