Logistic mode
logistic bia var1 var2
estat gof
codebook bwt
summarize lwt, detail
summarize bwt, detail
Reshape: http://www.statmethods.net/management/reshape.html
Update: (Sept 27th, 2017)
- Adjusted Mean
Please find the Stata command for calculating adjusted mean and proportions: xi: regress neap i.mpr1 age sex adjust age sex, by(mpr1) se This regress command will give adjusted mean (neap is a continuous variable) xi: logistic currdrk i.mpr1 age sex adjust age sex, by(mpr1) pr ci This logistic command will give adjusted proportions (currdrk is dichotomous variable)
Reshape: http://www.statmethods.net/management/reshape.html
Update: (Sept 27th, 2017)
- Adjusted Mean
Please find the Stata command for calculating adjusted mean and proportions: xi: regress neap i.mpr1 age sex adjust age sex, by(mpr1) se This regress command will give adjusted mean (neap is a continuous variable) xi: logistic currdrk i.mpr1 age sex adjust age sex, by(mpr1) pr ci This logistic command will give adjusted proportions (currdrk is dichotomous variable)
tabstat bwt, stats(n mean sd median min max
tabstat age bwt lwt, stats(n mean sd median
min max iqr) by (smoke) longstub
tabstat bwt, stats(n mean sd median min max
iqr) by(smoke)
tabstat bwt, stats(n mean sd median min max
iqr) by(low)
tabstat bwt, stats(n mean sd median min max
iqr) by(race)
tabstat bwt, stats(n mean sd median min max
iqr) by(ht)
tabstat age lwt bwt, stat(n mean sd q)
col(stat) format(%8.2f)
tabulate race smoke, summarize(bwt)
table race smoke, contents(mean bwt)
codebook, compact
mean bwt
ci lwt lwt
graph box bwt
graph box bwt, over(low)
graph box bwt, over(race)
mean bwt, over(smoke race)
mean bwt, over(smoke ht)
tab ht smoke
graph box bwt, over(smoke)
graph box bwt, over(ht)
graph twoway scatter bwt age
corr age bwt
pwcorr bwt age ptl low smoke ht ftv, sig
corr age bwt
pwcorr bwt age ptl low smoke ht ftv, sig
tab race
tab1 race
tab smoke race, column row chi2
tab low race, column row chi2
tab smoke low, column row chi2
tab low ht, column row chi2
ci smoke, binomial
graph pie race
histogram race, frequency
bysort smoke: tab2 low race
proportion race
proportion smoke, over(race)
proportion race, over(smoke)
table low race smoke
table low race, by(smoke) row col
regress bwt age
regress bwt lwt age smoke ht
signtest sleep=3.0
signrank sleep=3.0
ranksum bwt, by(smoke)
---Evans data ---
kwallis gpa, by(year)
oneway drink year, tabulate scheffe
bonferroni sidak
findit anovacontrast
anovacontrast year, values (0,0,-1,1)
anova drink belong gender belong*gender
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