Theoretical Framework: Sexuality in Vietnam Changing Vietnam It would be difficult to deny that Vietnam is rapidly changing. Vietnam is literally building on its future, considering all the construction sites, which can be found in nearly every street of any city. The economic development is the result of a shift from a socialist economic system to a more liberal and open system. This new openness, in Vietnam referred to as Doi Moi, started in the late 1980s. Initially it expressed itself in the decollectivization of agricultural production, which resulted in an enormous growth of export [1] . But also other sectors of the economy grew impressively. The economic development changed Vietnam from a low income country to a lower middle income country in the year 2010 [2] , although the welfare and growth is far from equally divided between urban and rural areas. The rapid change is especially apparent in the big cities, like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, which attract a...